Kanal 103, the radio station that broadcasts lofidelica, is celebrating its 15th birthday...For this occasion, we are changing the look of the websitethis is how the new website looks!
and we need you for the new logo :)
this is the old logo:
if you are into good music and graphic design, send your idea for a new logo to info[at]kanal103.com.mk it will be seen supporting the best alternative events in Macedonia!the deadline for submission is 15th February 2006
Macedonian weekend on Kanal 103! This was the best weekend this winter, lots of interviews with many tres cool Macedonian musicians throughout the weekend, and some very amazing live acts!So, between 6:00 pm-8:00 pm [lofidelica] this Sunday, there was a spontaneous freestyling on air, by RabotamNaSlucajot (Antonio Arangelovic) and his friends (Dzaka, Bruice, and another guy whose alias I can't remember).some lo-fi hip-hop li-ve :) I loved it.
richmond fontaine::black road::the fitzgerald::union
m ward::sad sad song::transfigurations of vincent::merge
cat power::the greatest::the greatest::matador
wilco::cars can't escape::yankee hotel foxtrot demos::nonesuchgrey delisle::sharecroppin' man::graceful ghost::sugarhill
neko case::pretty girls::blacklisted::mint
calexico::missing::black light::quarterstick
castanets::good friend yr hunger::first light's freeze::asthmatic kitty
castanets::first light's freeze::first light's freeze::asthmatic kitty
AAAA::can do girl::AAAA::thrill jockey
iron&wine/calexico::dead man's will::in the reins::overcoat
pernice brothers::there goes the sun::discover a lovelier you::ashmont
belle&sebastian::another sunny day::the life pursuit::matador
stephen malkmus::it kills::face the truth::matador
the panics::my best mistake::sleeps like a curse::littleBIGman
wolf parade::same ghost every night::apologies to queen merry::sub pop
bright eyes::poison oak::i'm wide awake it's morning::saddle creek
the arcade fire::neighbourhood#2(lanka)::funeral::merge
sufjan stevens::come on feel the illinoise::illinois::asthmatic kitty
chad vangaalen::after the afterlife::infiniheart::sub pop
silver jews::sleeping is the only love::tanglewood numbers::matador
brmc::love burns::brmc::echo
the hotel alexis::the quiet life::the shining example is lying on the floor::broken sparrow
thanksgiving::the river::the river::marriage
rouge wave::publish my love::descend like vultures::sub pop
the new pornographers::sing me spanish techno::twin cinema::matador
deerhoof::wrong time capsule::the runners four::kill rock starsjeffrey lewis::williamsburg will oldham horror::city&eastern songs::rough trade
bonnie'prince'billy::a sucker's evening::summer in the southeast::drag city
my morning jacket::it beats for you::z::ato
mercury rev::across yer ocean::the secret migration::v2
david pajo::let me bleed::pajo::drag city
smog::i feel like the mother of the world::a river ain't too much to love::drag city
arab strap::speed date::the last romance::chemikal underground
Started off while it was quite empty with Smog, Cat Power, M Ward, My Morning Jacket, Chad Vangaalen, then lots and lots of Pavement, Belle&Sebastian, Deerhoof, The Panics, Field Mice, The New Pornographers, The Shins, Sufjan Stevens, Wolf Parade, Silver Jews...And actually played the 8min, Neutral Milk Hotel-Oh Comely...Fantastic.
Happy New Year! I wish everyone lots of good music in 2006 :)